Saturday, January 30, 2016

High School: Getting Through It

     Just recently I have finished my first semester of high school and I have had a lot of life experiences in those short few months. For all you incoming freshman, you will lose friends, people change, but I have found there are so many other people that have similar interests. For me I pretty much lost two of my three best friends, one of them I had been friends with since kindergarten (we even did a double birthday party). We had just drifted away from each other, she found other friends and so did I, we still are friends, but it is not the same. The other one I lost was just due to change in personality, I wanted to be more mature and she didn't, I loved her for all of her quirks because that was how friends are, but she didn't see it that way and told me she didn't want to be my friend. That took a while to get used to, but there are so many other people to be friends with. I have found so may friends through clubs, classes, sports, and other friends. It has been a lot of life experiences, I learned how much commitment a high school sport takes, the weekends it takes away from your relaxation, but it is all worth it. I am a swimmer. I have just started the sport this year and met so many awesome people that are funny, grounded, and energetic; we all obviously share a common interest, which is always good in any friendship. I have learned to balance my academics with sports, clubs, and social life. I practically take all honors classes I, as a oldest sibling, had no clue how this was going to be and was scared out of my mind. My advice to you make a study plan, make priorities. What is most important, social life or grades?  What class do you struggle the most with? What is your strongest class? This is important for balancing anything in life, you have to make priorities. Do what makes YOU happy! Do NOT give in to peer pressure. Surround yourself with GOOD people. There are so many fun opportunities in high school, so get involved and obviously HAVE FUN!

Hopefully this has given you some insight and will help you!
Comment below any topics you want me to talk about.


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